The Project

Adolescence and pre-adolescence are crucial moments for the promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental disorders, taking into account that up 50% of common mental disorders have their onset in adolescence, around 14 years of age. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that, worldwide, up to 20% of children and adolescents suffer from a problem of emotional development or behaviour and one out of eight  suffer from a mental disorder. In the last years, many studies have been undertaken to identify effective interventions for the prevention of psychological problems and the promotion of mental health among young people. Evidence show that the most effective programs are those carried out within curricular school activities. The promotion of mental health targeting adolescents should pursue the development of social, cognitive and emotional skills together with the definition of personal goals and achievement of self-discipline. The development of the so called “life skills” has demonstrated to attain significant improvements particularly for social relationships, self-acceptance, self-efficacy perceived in managing negative emotions and quality of life. 
The project aims to provide secondary school students the appropriate skills to monitor and manage their level of mental wellbeing, through the development of a pedagogical tool that will use as a basis the good practices and expertise in the field of mental wellbeing exchanged among the partnership. Partners will share knowledge concerning mental well being management in school as well as strategies to involve in the best way all the actors that play an important role in the mental wellbeing of students, i.e. teachers and family members. 


Project objectives are:

1) to exchange good practices for mental wellbeing management in the school context, in order to collect methodologies aimed at the students’ wellbeing with the direct support of the actors involved in the wellbeing and learning process of students i.e. teachers and parents;
2) to provide students with tools to manage mental wellbeing, improve communication skills, increase self awareness and problem solving abilities;

3) to produce high quality resources for professionals and improve their competencies to deal with diversified groups of students, making use of new technologies and learner-centred pedagogical approaches.
With the active participation of students, the pedagogical resources collected among the partnership will be adapted and transferred to multimedia tools (website, videos, apps), available in 5 European languages, in order to have an innovative and more attractive approach with the target group and cater their needs and expectations.

The analysis carried out in the first phase of the project will help to identify the key needs of students while the exchange of good practices will facilitate a more efficient strategy to address target groups’ wellbeing needs. These results will provide a ground on which build the educational resources and adapt the programme. 

The training activities targeting teachers will help the first target group to better understand well-being needs of students, the best approaches to operate within school settings and guarantee the wellbeing of their learners, the use of ICTs in educational contexts. Teachers will deliver focus groups with students in order to identify the most appropriate communication methods for their age group and to develop multimedia material.

The pilot course together with the multimedia resources based on the manual will increase students’ psychological well-being and quality of life, thus fostering a healthy environment for teaching and learning.

The innovative aspects of the project concern open and innovative education, training and youth work, embedded in the digital era. In fact, the project aims to provide teachers with the appropriate competencies and tools to monitor and manage the level of mental wellbeing of secondary school students. The exchange of knowledge and expertise among partners was the starter point to create an innovative pedagogical tool on the basis of already developed practices in the field of mental well-being management in school. The selected educational material is developed and adapted to multimedia resources. The programme uses a learner centred approach involving the target group in the development of the educational tools addressing them. ICT methodologies are integrated in order to foster the involvement of students with more attractive resources and with ITC-based teaching and learning methods.

The new pedagogical tools support educators in dealing with complex classroom realities and in preventing problem behaviours, by enabling the target group to:

-acquire and / or improve the ability to define personal goals,

-be able to communicate pleasant and unpleasant feelings effectively,

- use problem solving strategies for practical and personal problems, including anger management, control of and reaction to aggressive behaviour (e.g bullying).

The activities foreseen in the project will produce the tangible (Intellectual Outputs) and intangible results.


  1. up-to-date insights on the topic of mental wellbeing in school settings;
  2. improvement of learner-centered resources for wellbeing management in the school context;
  3. development of skills of the target group to manage their mental wellbeing;
  4. development of competencies of teachers/educators in managing mental well-being in school settings by using different approaches and ICT-based methodologies;
  5. Increase of mental wellbeing of students in secondary school settings.


O1 Collection of best practices for well being management

The document contains the best practices exchanged and shared among partners to improve students’ psychological well-being and quality of life and provides them with skills in order to monitor and manage their level of mental wellbeing.

The partner responsible for the development of the O1 is Vilniaus Kolegija

O1 is developed through the steps listed below.:

  1. Defining criteria for best practices;
  2. Collecting information in all partner countries;
  3. Selection of most applicable best practices to include in the document.

O2 Manual for the wellbeing management in school

The Manual providing guidelines for wellbeing management in school settings is produced as a support tool for teachers providing them with the methodology to manage the mental wellbeing of their students in the classroom and apply the most suitable strategies to ensure a supportive participation of parents, as well as to implement the programme addressing secondary school students for the development of the skills related to wellbeing management with the support of multimedia resources.

The partner responsible for the development of the O2 is Training UK

O2 is developed through the steps listed below.

  1. Design: in the 2nd project meeting partners brainstorm on the structure of the manual and detail the content to be developed.
  2. Elaboration of the content: the development of the sections of the manual is shared across the partnership and distributed by Training UK in compliance with the organisation’s expertise. Training UK is in charge to collect the work of partners and ensure that the framework previously outlined is respected, as well as guaranteeing a comprehensive collection of information to include.
  3. Translation: the content is elaborated in English and translated in all partners’ languages.

O3: Well-School-Tech pedagogical tool

The good practices collected in the research phase will be adapted and shaped in a programme supported by multimedia resources. These include interactive exercises, videos, apps. The aim is to provide teachers and students with user-friendly tools to use in the classroom that are more attractive for young people.

O3 is developed through the steps listed below.

  1. Development of the platform that host the programme and the multimedia material led by Promimpresa;
  2. Training for teachers: the teachers are introduced to the selected good practices, the subject of well-being management in schools, as well as the platform that hosts the pedagogical tool and resources of the programme;
  3. Design of multimedia resources to include in the tool: the resources to be developed are outlined;
  4. Conduction of focus groups: teachers hold group meetings with students to collect their feedback on the resources to create thus fostering a learner-centred approach for the development of the material;
  5. Development of multimedia material:  Promimpresa is in charge of the technical development of the digital resources to be included in the programme;
  6. Translation: partners ensure that all the developed material are available in each national language;
  7. Testing the online products: the material previously developed to be tested in schools (M18-M22), the programme is implemented by the teachers trained that will have as supporting resource also the manual for the wellbeing management in school (IO3)
The pilot test is carried out in Italy (Promimpresa), Lithuania (VIKO), UK (HP-MOS), Bulgaria (ECQ), Poland (AHE). ISS provides guidance and designs the study for the pilot test implementation, monitoring and evaluation. ISS collects the national report containing the results and provide a final elaboration of data.


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